About Us
Thanks for visiting our virtual White Pond on the web. We hope you have the opportunity to visit White Pond in the real world and enjoy its beauty. We welcome your comments. You can contact us here.
We created this website in 2015 to raise awareness about the need for preservation and to express our appreciation to the Pond, our friends and neighbors, and the Town of Concord. Although we no longer live in Concord, White Pond will always hold a special place in our hearts. We encourage everyone who loves this Pond to continue enjoying and protecting this beautiful natural resource.
We created this website in 2015 to raise awareness about the need for preservation and to express our appreciation to the Pond, our friends and neighbors, and the Town of Concord. Although we no longer live in Concord, White Pond will always hold a special place in our hearts. We encourage everyone who loves this Pond to continue enjoying and protecting this beautiful natural resource.
I moved to Concord in the early 1970's when I began teaching at Concord Academy. I am co-founder of the Concord Children's Center, the first day care center in Concord which opened in 1975. I was on the Steering Committee of the Friends of Ripley Playscape, a nature park and playground for all ages and abilities designed to encourage everyone to experience the benefits of outdoor play. A life long learner and teacher, I spend as much time as I can outside in my garden, at the pond and in the woods. My husband, Robert, and I have five children and five grandchildren. We recently finished writing a book called Human Earth Awakening: A New Story for a New World which transforms his/story into into a "his & her story" that includes the global voices of men and women, native peoples and Mother Earth herself.
My personal tribute to the pond can be read here.
My personal tribute to the pond can be read here.
I've been in love with White Pond since my first visit in 1982. I'm the author of Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety which is available at the Concord Library as a book and audiobook. Our latest book, Human Earth Awakening weaves history and psychology, science and indigenous wisdom into an epic story of life on this planet and beyond and shows how today's global crisis presents humanity with the opportunity to wake up from the trance of empire and create a happy healthy planet.
My personal tribute to White Pond is available here.
My personal tribute to White Pond is available here.